Age Verification Awareness

– Age verification policies and The Licensing Act 2003
– Identifying who must supply proof of age
– Recognising and checking accepted forms of ID
– Rejecting/refusing a sale
– Other age restricted items

Allergen Awareness

– Legislation regarding allergen awareness
– Responsibilities of the operator and the consumer
– Impact of legislation on staff
– The difference between a good allergy and intolerance
– Food allergy and allergic reactions + symptoms
– The 14 allergens + products which contain them
– Packaging and labelling food

Asbestos Awareness

– Introduction and definitions
– Locations that asbestos can be found
– The asbestos ban in 1999
– Government regulations
– Risk assessment
– Management plans
– Personal Protective Equipment (PPE and RPE)
– Safe working practice
– Asbestos-related emergencies

Autism Awareness

– Recognise what autism is
– Understand what ASD is
– Identify characteristics of someone that has autism
– Identify how to care for someone with autism
– Understand how to enable those with autism

Award for License Premises

– Legislation regarding allergen awareness
– Responsibilities of the operator and the consumer
– Impact of legislation on staff
– The difference between a good allergy and intolerance
– Food allergy and allergic reactions + symptoms
– The 14 allergens + products which contain them
– Packaging and labelling food


Bribery Act Awareness

The main points covered are:
– Bribery introduction
– Bribery Act 2010
– Scenarios
– Due Diligence

Bullying and Harassment Awareness

– Describe catheterisation
– Understand purpose of urinary catheterisation
– Understand the causes and types of incontinence
– Describe the different types of catheters
– Understand how a catheter is inserted

Care Certificate

Standard 1 – Understand Your Role
Standard 2 – Your Personal Development
Standard 3 – Duty of Care
Standard 4 – Equality and Diversity
Standard 5 – Work in a Person Centred Way
Standard 6 – Communication
Standard 7 – Privacy and Dignity
Standard 8 – Fluids and Nutrition
Standard 9 – Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disability
Standard 10 – Safeguarding Adults
Standard 11 – Safeguarding Children
Standard 12 – Basic Life Support
Standard 13 – Health and Safety
Standard 14 – Handling Information
Standard 15 – Infection Prevention and Control

Care Planning

– Understand how individual care plans differ
– Understand how care plans should be update
– Describe how you work with other professionals
– Describe the importance of recording observations
– Understand the stages of care planning
– Describe how care plans should be assessed
– Demonstrate how to create a care plan

Catheterisation Awareness

– Describe catheterisation
– Understand purpose of urinary catheterisation
– Understand the causes and types of incontinence
– Describe the different types of catheters
– Understand how a catheter is inserted

Challenging Behaviour Awareness

– Describe what challenging behaviour is
– Identify types of challenging behaviour
– Understand some of the causes of challenging behaviour
– Describe the impacts and results of challenging behaviour
– Understand methods for assessing challenging behaviour
– Describe ways of dealing with the outcomes of challenging behaviour

Child Safeguarding Advanced

– Be clear of your Safeguarding role and responsibilities as a Manager/Team Leader
– Understand the importance of supervision to support staff to take action and to ensure a safeguarding culture exists
– Be able to explain how lessons from Serious Case Reviews inform practice
– Understand the local safeguarding structure, thresholds and Ofsted requirements
– Be confident in how to respond to a concern and the need for effective record keeping and multi-agency communication
– Understand safer recruitment and safer working practices and have considered policy and practice development

Concussion Awareness

– Describe what concussion is
– Recognise signs and symptoms of concussion
– Describe how to assess someone with a concussion
– Understand first aid measures for concussion

Conflict Management

– Define workplace conflict
– Recognise when and where conflict is occurring
– Understand the correct methods of dealing with confrontation
– Work to reduce and resolve conflict
– Seek help and advice when necessary

Coronavirus Awareness and Infection Control

– Describe what is meant by infection control
– Identify relevant government legislation
– Recognise the causes and effects of coronavirus, including symptoms and management
– Know how to self-isolate
– Understand the chain of infection and how people are infected
– Describe the types of germs and infection
– Understand the need for infection control and HCAI management
– Understand how to wash your hands to WHO standard
– Understand how you can help to prevent the spread of coronavirus

Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness

– Children and young people who are subject to this as being victims of abuse
– Key facts about CSE
– The signs of grooming and CSE
– The legislative framework and guidance surrounding CSE
– Safeguarding procedures and response to CSE

Communication and Record Keeping

– What is communication?
– Effective methods of communication
– Models of communication
– Communication techniques
– The management of communication
– Legislation and best practice
– Effective records in a care environment
– Preventing errors

Complaints Handling Awareness

– Explain the nature of complaints
– List and describe the different types of complaints
– List different complainers and how to communicate with them
– Describe ways to resolve complaints using the LAST sequence
– Explain the process for documenting complaints and giving feedback
– Describe ways to build customer loyalty through effective complaint handling

COSHH Awareness

– Gain an understanding of COSHH regulations
– Risk assessment and safety procedures
– Definition of hazardous substances
– Compliance with relevant regulations
– Different types of hazardous substances
– Health effects
– European CLP regulations

Customer Service Awareness

– Who your customers are
– What your customers need
– How to maintain good communication with your customers
– To project a positive company image
– To enhance customer service skills
– To start and end a call with greater confidence and efficiency
– To be able to take clear and concise messages
– To be able to demonstrate positive listening and speaking techniques

Cyber Security Awareness

Why is Cyber Awareness important?
How Cyber Crime affects individuals and businesses
What can be done to protect individuals and businesses?

Dementia Awareness

– What is dementia
– Understand how dementia affects individuals in different ways
– Knowledge of how quality dementia care purely focuses on what the person can still do
– The importance of good communication when caring for someone with dementia
– Methods to improve the wellbeing of people with dementia

Diabetes Awareness

– Explain what Diabetes is
– Describe the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes and how these are managed
– How to recognise emergency situations related to Diabetes
– Understand the complications associated with Diabetes

Diet and Nutrition Awareness

– Describe what is meant by the term nutrition
– Understand the importance of fruit and vegetables in diet
– Understand the challenges around nourishing the elderly
– Describe malnutrition and how it affects the body
– Describe some of the screening tools available

Dignity, Privacy and Respect Awareness

– Understand the meaning of dignity, privacy and respect
– Describe relevant legislation and how it affects an organisation
– Be able to identify discrimination
– Be able to identify poor practice
– Describe how to support specific care needs
– Understand how you can implement change in order to improve care provided
– Describe how PCC fits in with dignity, privacy and respect

Disability Awareness

-Be able to put into practice care values
-Gain understanding of equality and diversity
-Gain insight in upholding equality and diversity
-Gain understanding of the single assessment process in person centred care
-Know the legislations governing disability

Display Screen Equipment Awareness

– What is display screen equipment
– Legal framework
– Hazards
– Potential health effects
– Common misconception
– Users
– Those at risk
– Conducting an assessment
– Follow-up

Drugs and Alcohol Awareness

– Describe the physical, psychological and sociological effects of alcohol
– Name and identify illegal drugs, know their effects and recognise the health risks
– Recognise the impact of drug and alcohol misuse on children
– Describe the 5 outcomes the government aims for every child to achieve

Duty of Candour

– Understand your role
– Work in ways that have been agreed with your employer
– Understand working relationship in health and social care
– Work in partnership with others
– Understand how duty of care contributes to safe practice
– Understand the support available for addressing dilemmas that may arise about duty of care
– Deal with comments and complaints
– Deal with incidents, errors and near misses
– Deal with confrontation and difficult situations

Emergency First Aid Awareness

– Managing incidents
– Basic life support – CPR
– Control of bleeding
– Choking
– Anaphylaxis
– Examination of a casualty
– Unconsciousness
– Head injury
– Strains and Sprains
– Shock

Epilepsy Awareness

– Describe what epilepsy is
– Understand the different types of seizures
– Understand how to administer first aid for a seizure
– Understand how to do a primary survey
– Identify and understand the recovery position

Equality and Diversity

– Understand the importance of equality and inclusion
– Definition of equality, diversity, inclusion and discrimination
– Work in an inclusive way
– Access information, advice and support about diversity, equality and inclusion

Fall Prevention Awareness

– Describe what makes people fall
– Understand the implications of falling
– Identify areas of personal and environmental risk
– Understand what can be done to prevent falls and who can help

FGM Awareness

This course has been designed to ensure that you possess a theoretical knowledge and practical skills in spotting and understanding FGM and what actions you should take to make sure the victim is safe.
By the end of the course you should be able to:
Describe the 4 types of Female Genital Mutilation
Understand the effects it has on a victim
Reflect on how thinking and hearing about how Female Genital Mutilation makes you feel
Know how to spot the signs of Female Genital Mutilation.

Fire Safety Awareness

– General fire safety
– The science behind fires
– Risk assessment
– Emergency protocol
– Causes of Fire
– Fire classifications and their properties
– Fire Extinguishers
– Fire drill and tests
– Effects of fires on people and buildings
– Effects of smoke inhalation
– Relevant safety measures
– The role of the fire marshal
– Discovering and reporting risks
– Laws and legislation

Food Safety Level 2 Awareness

– Understand the basics of food law
– Hazards to food
– HACCP from purchase to service
– Personal hygiene
– Premises
– Food pests
– Cleaning and disinfection

Food Safety Level 3

– Allergies and Intolerances
– Food Poisoning
– Legislation
– Food Safety Enforcement
– Microbiology
– Temperature Control and Storage
– Personal and Workplace Hygiene
– Pest Control
– Waste Disposal

Force Marriage Awareness

– Describe what a Forced Marriage is
– Identify some motives for forcing someone to marry another
– Understand the impact of Forced Marriage on victims
– Have an understanding of the concept of Honour Based Violence
– Be more aware of how to spot the signs of a Forced Marriage
– Know how to take action to try and safeguard a potential victim of Forced Marriage

GDPR Awareness

– Understand relevant legislation
– Define personal data
– Describe who the GDPR applies to
– List the 7 key principles
– Describe what is meant by a lawful basis for processing
– List an individual’s rights under the GDPR
– Describe what is meant by security under GDPR
– Understand the need for getting further guidance on GDPR

HACCP Awareness

– Importance of a documented food safety management system
– Types of Hazards in a food business.
– HACCP History
– Implementing a HACCP based food safety management system

Health and Safety Awareness

– Explain what is meant by health and safety
– Describe how health and safety law affects you at work
– Identify some key pieces of legislation
– Employer responsibilities
– Employee responsibilities
– Risk assessment
– Common hazards

Infection Control Advanced

Familiarise yourself with the main laws around infection control in the workplace
Understand your responsibilities as an employer and an employee in infection control and the use of Personal Protection Equipment
Learn about pathogens, the different kinds and how they spread
Become aware of potential mitigation strategies to stop the spread of pathogens in the workplace
Grasp the 8-step method of effective hand washing to prevent the spread of infection

Infection Control Advanced in Care

– Identify legislation, national and local guidelines, policy and procedures affect infection prevention and control
– Understand standard infection prevention and control precautions
– Demonstrate the methods of aseptic technique including hand washing and alcohol hand gel procedures
– Describe the importance of safe handling of disposal of waste, COSHH requirements, handling of uniforms, dress codes, linen and laundry
– Identify actions required in cases of outbreak of infection including isolation of residence and mandatory reporting of healthcare associated infections to Health Protection Agency (HPA).

Infection Control Awareness

– Describe what is meant by infection control
– Understand the chain of infection and how people are infected
– Describe the types of germs and infection
– Name some common health care associated infections
– Understand the need for infection control and HSAI management
– Understand how to wash hands to WHO standard
– Describe what PPE is available for infection control
– Understand how you can help prevent infection spreading
– Understand the role of CQC

Information Governance Awareness

– Understand the definition of Information Governance
– To know what laws and legislation are out there to protect personal data
– To know what types of information are there and how it needs to be protected
– To know what must be done to keep data confidential
– Understand the Data Protection Act

Internet Safety Awareness

– Increase our understanding of how the internet continues to impact our daily lives
– Explore the potential of using the internet
– Learn simple techniques to help stay safe when browsing the internet
– Understand the risks associated with social networking
– Raise awareness of the risks of newer technologies as they continue to support our lives

Interview Skills

The main aim of this course is to provide information on and increase learner awareness of good interviewer skills. By the end of this course you should be able to:
Understand why preparation is key to being a good interviewer
Describe steps you can take during an interview to conduct a better one
Describe and use different types of questions when interviewing
Recognise ways you could improve yourself as an interviewer

Learning Disability Awareness

– Describe what a learning disability is
– Understand what causes a learning disability
– Describe the process of learning disabilities and other conditions
– Understand challenging behaviours

Legionella Awareness

– Recognise the implications of a legionnaires’ disease outbreak
– Summarise how legionnaires outbreaks can occur in water handling systems
– Identify relevant legislation and the requirements for compliance
– Recognise the role of water handling system owners
– Recognise the role of water handling systems safety providers
– Identify higher risk water handling system

Lone Working Awareness

– What is lone working?
– What are the legal duties?
– How to assess, identify and control the risks of lone working
– Good working practices and strategies to reduce risk
– Why training is important
– Why supervision is important

Loss and Bereavement Awareness

– Improve our understanding of the definitions of loss
– Explore the 5 stages of the grieving process
– Think about ways we can support ourselves during this process
– Think about ways we can support others during this process
– Raise our awareness of where to find information, support and counselling

Managing People Awareness

– Understand Self-Awareness
– Define what People Management is
– Understand the right use of power
– Describe Strategic and Organisational Awareness

Manual Handling of Inanimate Objects Awareness

– Understand the importance of correct manual handling
– Understand that manual handling operations can be hazardous to health
– Understand how manual handling operations can cause injury and harm
– Understand the scope of legal requirements with regards to manual handling operations in the workplace
– Risk assessment and how it applies to safe manual handling practice

Medication Advanced

– Understand roles and responsibilities when giving medication
– Describe how medicines are administered
– Understand the need for recording the giving of medication
– Describe how medication should be disposed of
– Understand what causes medication errors and how to reduce the risk
– Describe possible side effects of medication and what to do

Medication Awareness

– Understand the different classification of medication
– Name relevant government legislation relating to medication
– Describe your responsibilities as a care worker when giving medication
– Understand what constitutes good medication administration process
– Understand the need for safe storage and disposal of medication

Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberties Awareness

– Describe what the Mental Capacity Act is
– Understand how it applies to you and your work
– Describe what a Deprivation of Liberty is
– Understand how it applies to you and your work

Mental Health Awareness

– Define the term Mental health
– Describe how you might spot a possible mental health disorder
– Make referrals
– Supporting those with mental health disorders
– Discrimination and stigma
– Treating mental health disorders and side effects of medication

Money Laundering Awareness

– Money Laundering
– Money Transfer Systems
– Legislation
– Due Diligence

Moving and Handling of People Awareness

– Name some key pieces of legislation relating to moving and handling
– Identify your company policy on moving and handling
– Understand different types of injuries and accidents in the workplace
– Describe the risk assessment process
– Learn or refresh key skills for moving and handling
– Practice moving and handling tasks frequently used in your workplace

Oral Health Awareness

– Know how to deliver daily mouth care
– Know how and when to reassess oral health
– Know how and when to report any oral health concerns, and how to respond to a person’s changing needs and circumstances
– Understand the importance of denture marking and how to arrange this for people, with their permission

Paediatric First Aid Blended Learning

– Understand the role and responsibilities of the paediatric first aider
– Be able to assess an emergency safely
– Be able to provide first aid for an infant and a child who is unresponsive and breathing normally
– Be able to provide first aid to an infant and a child who is suffering from shock
– Understand how to provide first aid to an infant and a child with anaphylaxis

Palliative and End of Life Care

-Describe what is meant by Palliative Care.
-Understand how we cope with Palliative Care and help others to:
-Describe the different types of complementary therapies.
-Understand how to empathise with, and support patients.
-Describe some End of Life Care strategies.
-Think about your attitudes and fears about death and dying.
-Recognise different experiences around death and dying.Understand the need for Advanced Care Planning.
-Describe the importance of Symptom Management.
-Describe ‘Advance Directives’.

Person Centered Care Awareness

– Define person-centred care
– Describe how to develop an individual’s care plan
– Understand the bigger picture
– Understand the need for confidentiality
– Understand how working practices affect individuals
– Describe how to maintain boundaries

Pressure Sore Awareness

-Understand what a Pressure Ulcer is.
-Describe how a Pressure Ulcer forms
-Demonstrate knowledge of what makes an individual at higher risk of developing Pressure Ulcers.
-Describe warning signs that would alert you to the possibility of a Pressure Ulcer forming.
-Understand the severity of pressure ulcers and how they are treated.

Preventing Radicalisation

– Explain what the Prevent duty means for schools and childcare providers
– Make clear what schools and childcare providers should do to demonstrate compliance with the duty
– Inform schools and childcare providers about other sources of information, advice and support

RIDDOR Awareness

– Explain what the RIDDOR means.
-Make clear why we report; what needs reporting; when you need to report and how you report.
-Provide you with other sources of information.

Risk Assessment Awareness

– The meaning of risk and risk assessment
– Legislation
– Heinrich Bird’s Accident Triangle (1969)
– Conducting risk assessment
– Vulnerable people

Safeguarding Adults Awareness

– Explain what is meant by the term safeguarding adults at risk
– Identify the types of abuse
– Describe some signs and symptoms of possible abuse
– Describe what you should do if you have a concern about an adult’s welfare or safety

Safeguarding Children Awareness

– Explain what is meant by the term safeguarding children
– Identify the various types of intervention and their thresholds
– Describe signs and symptoms of possible abuse
– Describe what you should do if you have a concern about a child’s welfare or safety

Self-Harm Awareness

-Definition: What is Self-Harm?
-Types of Self-Harm
-Concepts of Self-Harm
-Causes of Self-Harm
-Situations for discussion
-Risk Management

Slips Trips and Falls Awareness

– Understand the prevalence of slips, trips and falls
– Name some pieces of legislation relating to slips, trips and falls
– Describe and be able to carry out a simple risk assessment
– Describe the reporting requirements for slips, trips and falls

Staff Appraisal Skills

– Understanding of supervision and appraisal
– Awareness of the supervision and appraisal process
– How to carry out effective supervision and appraisal
– How the process improves delivery of care

Stress Awareness

– Understand what causes stress and how to spot it
– Describe how stress can affect a team
– Describe ways of coping with stress

Substance Misuse Awareness COMING SOON

Substance Misuse Awareness COMING SOON

Time Management Awareness

– Obstacles influencing time management
– What can be done to prevent poor time management
– Setting SMART goals
– Methods encouraging positive time management skills

Working at Height Awareness

– Understand what it means to work at height
– Be aware of and work in line with relevant legislation
– Cite examples of work equipment and be aware of when use is appropriate
– Understand how to use ladders safely